Ahh Mabon , the time of the year of the Autumn Equinox between September 20th and 23rd. This is the second of the three harvests of the year when the faint breeze of an Autumn chill starts to creep in to fill the air with wonderful thoughts of , Well , in my case hot apple cider (with a grown up kick to it) the thoughts of getting my bake on . I mean , I love to cook but in the darker months that make up Autumn and Winter I am truly happy. Cooking away at my hearth( ie stove ) remember it is all a matter of perspective . Baking pies and honing in on my bread recipes for the winter months . I cherish my times of cooking , and sharing with my family . That is one thing I miss most about my mom she may of not liked you most of the time but ,when it came to getting together to feast with those she liked (which for few ) and even those she didn't like she would cook and it was great . This t
I am Wicca and Wicca is me ... I have been walking the magical path for many,many,many years. I don't suppose to know it all , I just know what works for me .So in saying that, if anything here within these words help you out in any way I am always happy to help. May Mother Goddess hold you in her loving embrace and keep you safe . Brightest Blessing to all who travel here.