Happy fall ya'll , I hope the season finds you all safe and well . Life is going well for me and mine (as far as I know, that is )and life happens, we all live it, unless your inner soda poppy, fizzy self has not yet once again manifested into a another life experience and you are simply reading this tiny blog via the electrical vibes , some say frequency of waves bouncing around the internet world . Well , I mean let us not limit ourselves to a shallow box way of thinking . Why not? Just a bit of action from infrared camera Let's see ......um? (thinkingš¤) do you even catch unusual things on your cameras? Besides catching squiggles on my cameras I am now lowering my cholesterol naturally so I do not have to take medication for it . Now , nothing against taking medications we all have our own way of things . Mine just happens to be naturally with a lower cholesterol diet and increasing my exercise and of course
I am Wicca and Wicca is me ... I have been walking the magical path for many,many,many years. I don't suppose to know it all , I just know what works for me .So in saying that, if anything here within these words help you out in any way I am always happy to help. May Mother Goddess hold you in her loving embrace and keep you safe . Brightest Blessing to all who travel here.