Here are a few Magical tidbits for the month of July , July is a great month the sun gets higher and hotter . It is the time to celebrate the warmth of Father Sun's rays . It is the time to feel Mother Earth's embrace wrapping around you with Love and Care . It is a time to share in the bounties that only they can give us . Like many of you, this is my busy time of the year . I truly enjoy it but I am an Autumn baby through and through . (but we will talk about that later ) I can look out my window and see the light coming .... the sky is a pale light blue as Father Sun rises higher and higher . The darkness from Mother Moon's night sky is slowly pushed back further into the darkness. It recedes from the quite of the early morning light . The air is cooler this morning than it has been .I can hear the birds chirping singing their songs in welcoming the coming Sun . This no doubt is one of my favorite times . Waking while the world is still sleeping , some of yo
I am Wicca and Wicca is me ... I have been walking the magical path for many,many,many years. I don't suppose to know it all , I just know what works for me .So in saying that, if anything here within these words help you out in any way I am always happy to help. May Mother Goddess hold you in her loving embrace and keep you safe . Brightest Blessing to all who travel here.