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Showing posts from January, 2016

Mother Winter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ah ,Thank Goddess ,       Winter Mother has arrived finally upon my doorstep . I do so love when the Mother Earth is covered up with her White blanket of Snow . I was almost worried that she would not come and visit me this year ( but here in the central Carolina) Mother Nature can prove herself to be somewhat fickle at times . Either it is a late January fluffy snow or a bone chilling ice that comes to call, and even on  rare occasions , a bit of both . None the less I adore her more with each passing year . My Winter Mother . She is comforting to me with her cold brisk embrace . I feel alive with her . I love being able to enjoy hot beverages beside warm fires while out in the cool gray atmosph

Another Day in the Life of Me.....

  Well, here I am again . I have not been around in while .I have been busy doing witchy stuff. I am I said to say that I am having to relearn and set up a lot of things on my computer due to the windows updates to windows 10 . Yuck!!!! I have been avoiding it all together but the point has come where I must summit to it . Windows 10 actually makes my computer dumber then when purchased . It update to windows 10 sure but my media players and drives that burn now longer work . Thanks to the 'UPDATE'.   But , I shall persevere . I have set the whole day aside just to familiarize myself with this monster of a task . No, really its not that bad . I mean the part about Windows 10 making my Dell lap top dumber is true . So it will stay a windows 7 until the updates stop coming to it which than I will have to download FRACKING Windows 10 or it will become a giant paper weight which will serve  no use to me .