Why is it so aggravating when programmers consistently update and change things that take us common folk so long to figure out , when it worked perfectly fine the way it was ? The social media updates make me want to shoot myself in the foot . I still have yet to figure out Google+ I just spent all afternoon getting my Facebook straightened out . Whats pubic whats not pubic blah blah blah (its always something) I am an educated woman . This stuff shouldn't be rocket science . I shouldn't need a degree from MIT to change my privacy settings or what ever I am setting out to on my computer . I have a Facebook to be found by one person and one person alone but he is just a babe now. I do so hope that one day he will look for me and there I will be waiting . That is if i don't commit harry carry due to having to relearn how to work my computer from to all the program changes . OK, I was about to loose m
I am Wicca and Wicca is me ... I have been walking the magical path for many,many,many years. I don't suppose to know it all , I just know what works for me .So in saying that, if anything here within these words help you out in any way I am always happy to help. May Mother Goddess hold you in her loving embrace and keep you safe . Brightest Blessing to all who travel here.