Greetings Sisters and Brothers ,
I find that all two offend we ALL are only single minded with our earthy connections here on our planet and with those upon her .Many of us go around thinking only about our current state of being along with our current phase in Nature .I am speaking hemispherically here . Many think of only one season in time when in actuality there or TWO ... What?!?.... You don't say ? I do say .....
Thank you to |
You see we are in constant connection always flowing always connected . While Mother earth prepares for sleep here in the Northern Hemisphere on my side of the world she is also beginning to wake in the Southern Hemisphere . So I will be sharing both known here from now on . as minor Sabbats which include Spring Equinox , Summer Solstice , Autumn Equinox , and Winter Solstice Along with major Sabbats Samhain aka '' Halloween'' , Betane the first of May , Imbolc or Candlemas February 2 and Lughnasadh or Lammas August 2 . ( I really don't like to put dates to these for different regions do celebrate at different times give or take a few days here and there .I am just trying to give basic information and you so help you become more aware of how complex the seasons are on this planet . You can google what you have questions about ) You can go by the image the Wheel of the Year to the left . If it is the Autumn Equinox in one hemisphere go straight across in the image and you will see the Spring Equinox which is in the Southern hemisphere .I have done this in the past but never together at the same time . Again here in the Northern hemisphere we are preparing for the Autumn Equinox known to us as Mabon this is the celebration of the second harvest .This day divides the day and the night equally .

Thank you LaPulia Studio |
Thank you to the Magical Druid |
Here are a few goodies for the changing seasons
Okay , Now while in the Southern Hemisphere the rebirth of life is beginning to awaken with new life . This is Ostara which falls upon the Spring Equinox where both day and night once again are equal . Mother Earth and Father Sun are forever in this wonderful life giving dance of Nature . One prepares for sleep and the other prepares to wake . Ostara known as Easter to some is a celebration of the returning strength resurrection and restoration of the Sun .This is the time to gain focus and balance . This is the transition from old into the new .
I hope this helps in the explanation of the duality of the seasons here on our plant . Some of you may know of this but , never have a second thought about it . On when there is an ending there is always a beginning in time and space and in region and Nature the ebb and flow of all life constantly continuing , constantly turning and constantly changing .
Good Peace to you and yours my Sisters and Brothers
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