I am so over Commercialism !
The holidays no longer bring joy to me like back in the good old days . Back in the day (just a few years ago ) seasons came with the anticipation of knowing what holiday was coming and the excitement of what magic awaits ahead .There in knowing with not only the fact the the season changing but soon you would see commercials for the coming holiday at hand . Now a days one season is hardly over and commerce therein commercialism is cramming in multiple seasons and therefore holidays together . Which to me kills the spirit of the holiday . I mean it is Summer and I went to town last week to get supplies and turned the corner in one store and seen School supplies , Halloween decorations , Thanksgiving and Christmas all together at the same time . WHAT?!! My head almost exploded .
( Times like this I am so grateful I am Wiccan we celebrate the season NOT A HOLIDAY which this actually brings me closer my Goddess ) It helps me realize that there is so much more to the Seasons then the plastic Pumpkins,Skeletons and Monsters with the fake blood and what knots of Halloween the artificial foliage of Fall with those ceramic scarecrow and turkey figurines of Thanksgiving , all of the plastic trees and cheap ornaments and poorly made presents of Christmas. I feel as if commerce there by commercialism is trying and very well succeeding in taking the joy of the Seasons away from those of us in all religions buy the the spending of that all mighty dollar . Cheapening the holidays all together .
I am so beyond buying those holiday trinkets when I can make what I need out of real pure raw materials that will last much longer than and will mean so much more to me and who ever I share it with than something plastic put together cheaply with glue and covered in spray paint and glitter . I mean you do you my all means but lets stop cheapening ourselves for commercialism .
We are Witches ! We need to reconnect with the Divine .We need to step out into nature and experience the joys it has to offer . We need to create with our own hands . (So what if it is not as fancy or as shinny as something mass-produced )I know when I make something for someone it is special it has thought and action put into it . I creates Magic for me and those who receive it . A simple act of kindness a gift a piece of yourself . That means so much more . It is great for the soul of self and environment .If we create more we tend to waste less no more boxes with a million wire ties and plastics going in the landfills . I am just one Witch , just one person in one place . We need to change our thought patterns . Back in the day gifts and belongings were hand made and we were glad for it . Now a days it is I want this or I want that and we are often unhappy when we get it . Change how we function as a community , change how we think by just one person , one family , one community ,one town , one city , one state and we can change the world and all that hate and greed will one day disappear . I know it will not be in my life time and perhaps not in yours but Commerce is the root.(Yank that Bitch out by the root !) I mean they make things cheaper and cheaper and charge higher and higher prices for substandard products with substandard materials and ingredients and we as consumers just buy it up .
The short of the long of it is .....RECONNECT .....
Reconnect with the Divine whomever or however that may be that may be for you . Reconnect with Nature ....
She is waiting for you ....
Good Peace to you and yours ....
The holidays no longer bring joy to me like back in the good old days . Back in the day (just a few years ago ) seasons came with the anticipation of knowing what holiday was coming and the excitement of what magic awaits ahead .There in knowing with not only the fact the the season changing but soon you would see commercials for the coming holiday at hand . Now a days one season is hardly over and commerce therein commercialism is cramming in multiple seasons and therefore holidays together . Which to me kills the spirit of the holiday . I mean it is Summer and I went to town last week to get supplies and turned the corner in one store and seen School supplies , Halloween decorations , Thanksgiving and Christmas all together at the same time . WHAT?!! My head almost exploded .
( Times like this I am so grateful I am Wiccan we celebrate the season NOT A HOLIDAY which this actually brings me closer my Goddess ) It helps me realize that there is so much more to the Seasons then the plastic Pumpkins,Skeletons and Monsters with the fake blood and what knots of Halloween the artificial foliage of Fall with those ceramic scarecrow and turkey figurines of Thanksgiving , all of the plastic trees and cheap ornaments and poorly made presents of Christmas. I feel as if commerce there by commercialism is trying and very well succeeding in taking the joy of the Seasons away from those of us in all religions buy the the spending of that all mighty dollar . Cheapening the holidays all together .
I am so beyond buying those holiday trinkets when I can make what I need out of real pure raw materials that will last much longer than and will mean so much more to me and who ever I share it with than something plastic put together cheaply with glue and covered in spray paint and glitter . I mean you do you my all means but lets stop cheapening ourselves for commercialism .
We are Witches ! We need to reconnect with the Divine .We need to step out into nature and experience the joys it has to offer . We need to create with our own hands . (So what if it is not as fancy or as shinny as something mass-produced )I know when I make something for someone it is special it has thought and action put into it . I creates Magic for me and those who receive it . A simple act of kindness a gift a piece of yourself . That means so much more . It is great for the soul of self and environment .If we create more we tend to waste less no more boxes with a million wire ties and plastics going in the landfills . I am just one Witch , just one person in one place . We need to change our thought patterns . Back in the day gifts and belongings were hand made and we were glad for it . Now a days it is I want this or I want that and we are often unhappy when we get it . Change how we function as a community , change how we think by just one person , one family , one community ,one town , one city , one state and we can change the world and all that hate and greed will one day disappear . I know it will not be in my life time and perhaps not in yours but Commerce is the root.(Yank that Bitch out by the root !) I mean they make things cheaper and cheaper and charge higher and higher prices for substandard products with substandard materials and ingredients and we as consumers just buy it up .

Reconnect with the Divine whomever or however that may be that may be for you . Reconnect with Nature ....
She is waiting for you ....
Good Peace to you and yours ....
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