May Love and Light Guide all your

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and Images ....
I just Love the internet and all that One can access to create and design something completely original to suit Ones own style .
I have been working on my Book of Shadows today among other things .
- Dandelion Wine -
Petal Only
4 cups Dandelion (If you don't trim )
1 Gallon of Water (green from the flower)
1 Package of Yeast ( petals it will be bitter )
8 cups Sugar
1 Orange and 1 Lemon (Sliced)

Than let cool to room temperature again . Than I strain over cheese clothe to catch all the little tine bits and pieces of flower , fruit and herb. I than funnel into my fer-mentor and it is off and running . Now in about 6 to 8 weeks I will then strain again and place in to bottles ...
Yummy and just think if it tastes good when you bottle it .... It will be Delicious ...
Now than , I hope you find these entertaining and enjoyable
.. Good Peace..
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