I really don't know what to title this entry as of this moment in time that is why I started with "Twice in the same month ?" because, it seems as if I only write in my blog when it is raining or cold or I just can not get out side . It is raining and a cold rain . Which I must say is great for the plants . You see I have been moving plants from my mothers house . She pasted away 8 years ago and her yard is well, a MESS! . She has flowers growing all over the place so every Monday I go and do some yard work and thin out her flowers beds "witch" Giggle ......in return make my flower beds bigger , and the flowers beds of my neighbors and some throughout the community . I tell you she has a lot of plants. I have been moving Cannon Lilies for five weeks . No Jive and that is just from one tiny little spot in her yard. I don't mind the work . It really helps everyone . Helps her yard and mine and theirs. I can not wait until I get to the Iris's and Tiger Lilies .
I have also been using this time to explore her yard along with the flowers and plants she she in it . I don't just get flowering plants either . I am also building up my natural herb gardens and learning new things everyday .. I love to learn new stuff don't you ? I find a plant, research it ,and log it , dry it and store it for a later use . It adds to by Book of Shadows .
Before |
After |
I have to pull the chickweed so I can see what is growing UP UNDER. You see ? I have much work to do ,but when I finish her yard will be great and so will my neighborhood . And the silly thing is I know she is happy watching me work . That may sound a bit weird but not really she is apart of all and all is apart of her just like all of us . Well, that s what I believe . After I weeded the little section in the other picture I had a strange feeling to go to the wood shop and I found something I thought was lost for ever . You see my mother had been working on the history of our Family through my grandfathers side of the family and when she pasted away in 08 I has asked my stepdad if he had seen it and he said he probably through it out during cleaning "witch" I could kind of understand in away because she had so much stuff . I do not know why he didn't ask me to help but , whatever ? Any way , back to the wood shop , After I weeded the small bit of her hard I was urged to go to the wood shop and when I did I seen a blue and white flowered box and the draw was pulled out and my name was on top . I looked inside the draw and there it was the Genealogy ! Who knew all I needed to do was weed her flower beds ? Magick is all around and ,as a good friend once told me " It always works !, Always a blessing !"

Brightest Blessings !!!
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