I have come to find put that I am not much for blogging . I mean it is good way to put stuff out into the universe but I find it hard to come and sit and write here everyday when I have so many other places I write , and I don't mean on the computer I still find it better for me to write in my journals and by time I write there I have nothing to say here . So . Needless to say I will probably let this go . I am not sure yet thou.
I am Wicca and Wicca is me ... I have been walking the magical path for many,many,many years. I don't suppose to know it all , I just know what works for me .So in saying that, if anything here within these words help you out in any way I am always happy to help. May Mother Goddess hold you in her loving embrace and keep you safe . Brightest Blessing to all who travel here.